Crowned The Ugliest Dog In The World

Wild Thang Wins World's Ugliest Dog Contest

Crowned the Ugliest Dog in the World

Meet Wild Thang, the eight-year-old Pekingese who has been crowned as the winner of this year's World's Ugliest Dog contest.

The World's Ugliest Dog contest held its 30th annual competition this year, drawing pooches of all shapes and sizes to the San Francisco Bay Area. The dogs were judged on their appearance, personality, and overall ugliness.

Wild Thang beat out a field of 14 other dogs to win the title. The judges praised her for her "unique" and "distinctive" appearance. Wild Thang's owner, Dawn Gober, said that she was "shocked" and "honored" that her dog had won.

"She's a very special dog," Gober said. "She's full of personality and she loves to make people laugh."

Wild Thang's win is a testament to the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even the ugliest dogs can be loved and appreciated by their owners.

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